Episode 10
#10: Insights from an experienced solo parent - with Florence Chabert d'Hieres
International adoptee, born in Sri Lanka and holder of a French passport, Florence Chabert d’Hieres specialises in cross-cultural training and coaching from 6 years old kids to top management.
In 2009, she created Coach4expat. She is the author of “I'm a citizen of the world” for parents and children to help them succeed in their expat adventure. During the pandemic, she created Expat Village an online village, allowing a one stop shop for the personal and professional needs for expats and their families.
In This Episode:
- More about Expat Village and Florence’s work
- How she has experienced having a partner who is away a lot for work.
- What Florence would say to families with little children/older children? What she has found works for this type of lifestyle.
- Brain Gym and how it has helped Florence and her family (specifically with being away from each other)
- Apart from Brain Gym, Florence shares a life/parenting resource that she has found really helpful